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Marketing Edge: Referrals Make The Register Sing

It’s very clear to most people that there is a lot of power behind referrals. Referral marketing is the easiest, most cost effective, and targeted type of marketing available. No matter what industry, setting, or environment, referrals give any product or service an extra boost in the eyes of a potential consumer. Hearing about a product or service from a trusted source instills confidence in the buyer that they won’t get stuck with something that doesn’t live up to their expectations.

Start by asking your current clients to refer you to their close friends or relatives. This could have an immediate impact and prove to be the cheapest form of advertising you’ve ever done. Another great way to get a buzz going is to construct an incentive based referral program. This could be as simple as offering a free product for every referral. Get creative, but make sure that your incentive is worthwhile.

Take these extra steps the next time you’re in touch with one of your customers and expect to get much more than a “sure thing” in return.


Don’t Waste Valuable Time – Qualify Your Prospect

Great salespeople follow strategic steps in order to be successful. Using a systematic routine can help solidify your sales process and increase your customer acquisition rate. In order to flourish, you need to focus on qualifying your prospect before getting too far into the sales cycle.

Pre-qualifying a potential client can save you time, effort, and a lot of future headaches. You have to qualify not only as it relates to price, but other relevant factors as well. Does your client have a need for what you offer? Do they have the authority to purchase what you offer?  These are some of the questions you should find out in advance to avoid wasting time on an unworthy prospect.


Internet Edge: Link It Up

Without the help of others your business will never survive. A great way to get the most out of other businesses is to build a network of affiliates who have a say-so in promoting your site. Look for websites that are in a similar industry, but not your direct competition. Essentially, you need to ensure the relationship is mutually beneficial.

You also want to consider promoting your site at social networking events. You may come across other companies in similar industries who would complement your services or products.  These companies may be more inclined to exchange website links. To insure a streamlined process is in place, make sure to designate a page on your site specifically for links.  You can display this page to those who are interested in exchanging links.

Open up and toss your web address out to anyone that may benefit from it.


Don’t judge a product by its package

When promoting your product, you want to sell what’s behind the whole picture. Consumers can see and read what the box or package says, but they also want to know what benefits come with buying the product.  The key to selling a product is simple; focus on aspects that will enhance the consumers’ life.   This concept is known as What’s In It For Them.

For example when you sell health-food products, you don’t want to promote it with the typical “good for your body” gimmick.  Instead, provide consumers with more detailed information on the benefits of your product or service .  Consumers are more receptive to the outcome of the product, than the general benefits associated with it.

Fill in the holes surrounding your product or service, and let your consumers know what’s in it for them.