Core Edge Weekly Tips for 2009-10-26

  • SEO Edge: Regulate incoming links to your site for best SEO results. Don't waste time w/ sites with 3 or less Google Page Rank(GPR) #
  • Core Media Concepts will be the new web developer for Panacea Nutritionals. More info to come. #
  • Core Media Concepts is proud to announce the official launch of the new Florida Parking Association website – #

Core Edge Weekly Tips for 2009-10-19

  • SEO Edge: Make sure to make keywords or key phrases prominent by bolding, italicizing, or linking them. Search engines take note of this. #

Core Edge Weekly Tips for 2009-10-12

  • SEO Edge: Avoid using font size 1 when possible as this is often looked at by search engines as spamming or keyword filling #

Take Advantage of Technology

It’s a fact that first impressions are lasting ones. As far as your business is concerned, the first piece of tangible advertising you normally give to a prospect is your business card. Your business card can work wonders if you have the right look, feel, and message. Your first impression should be unique, separating your company from your competitors.

With so many marketing and collateral options available today, it is difficult to identify what items will fit your needs best. Interactive business cards are a great means to get your name out there in a very modern, cost-effective way.  These cards can double as your traditional print brochure, reducing your company’s expenditures and streamlining your collateral. If you want to increase your brand awareness and set yourself apart, interactive collateral and business cards could be your golden ticket…or card!