Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-31

  • SEO Edge: Control incoming links to your site for best SEO results. Avoid sites with 3 or less Google PageRank as they will have no effect #
  • SEO Edge: Twitter is a great way to enhance your keyword density. Make sure that your site includes a Twitter feed near the top of the page #

Why Ask Why?

To become more effective in your sales efforts, you should always include a well rounded strategy for questioning and learning about your prospect. This type of approach allows you to really dig deep to find out what your prospect’s true objectives and goals are. Always ask questions that require more than a “Yes” or “No” response and that deal with more than just pricing, standard procedures, or technical issues. Formulate your questions so that you can make apparent what the prospect’s thoughts and motivations are. This way you can really assess their needs. Understand what it is that they are looking for from you and tailor your responses to best address these things. Always ask for more information if necessary so you can better position your products/services to show that you understand the client’s objectives and needs.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-17

  • SEO Edge: Use heading tags, unordered lists & numbered lists to organize content rather than spacer graphics & nested tables for better SEO #
  • Marketing Edge: Campaigns should always be metric. Measuring the results will help you identify what works & tweak your message accordingly #
  • RT: follow @lewisboy @wgman @genove @misterkhuu @destorm #
  • Sales Edge: All sales literature should be concise and always contain a direction towards making contact with you. Call To Actions are key. #
  • SEO Edge: Avoid using font size 1 when possible on all content as this is often looked at by search engines as spam or keyword filling #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-10

  • SEO Edge: Bold or italicizes keywords when appropriate within the body of your pages. Linking keywords to pages on your site also helps SEO #
  • SEO Edge: Misspelled keywords can often be a gold mine for SEO. Humans often make mistakes typing in the seach box so keep this in mind #
  • SEO Edge: Repeating yourself is never cool. The same applies w/ content on your site. Repeating keywords is viewed by many SE's as spam. #
  • SEO Edge: Place all Javascript in external files & reference them as needed. Search engines can easily stumble on this long & complex code #
  • Get 400 followers a day using #
  • SEO Edge: Quality content is key but quantity is also important. All content pages should have a min of 300 words w/ keywords throughout. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-03

  • SEO Edge: XML sitemaps are a great way to get the inside track for being indexed & ranked through Google. Generators are available. #
  • Sales Edge: Its vital to create compelling CTA’s or Call-To-Actions that urge a prospect to react. Highlight these on any sale material. #
  • SEO Edge: Sites like and are a quick way to submit your website URL to major search engines. Check them out. #
  • SEO Edge: Permalinks or Smartlinks are essential for SEO. For ex., if .com/85665 is your “About Us” page, your link should be .com/about-us #
  • SEO Edge: If your site has Meta Refresh tags, make sure they’re set to at least 30 secs. Anything less can be viewed by SE’s as spam. #
  • Sales Edge: Proper follow up is crucial to any business operation. Make sure to keep good notes of when prospect/client contact occured. #